Introducing cross-sell for
internet and mobile plans

Introducing cross-sell for
internet and mobile plans

Introducing cross-sell for
internet and mobile plans


Product Strategy & Innovation
UX + UI Design
UX Research
Team Augmentation
Design Ops

Company size

3000+ employees


AGL is Australia’s oldest energy company and one of the largest. Whilst the supply of electricity and gas is still its core offering it has diversified, now offering product mix including internet and mobile plans.

Whilst prospective customers could sign up for internet and mobile plans via the AGL website, the ‘My Account’ customer portal and did not present an easy way for existing customers to add internet or mobile to their existing service mix, this initiative was focussed on introducing this functionality.

The problem

The My Account platform was in some ways outdated in its architecture, having been originally been built for management of energy plans only - existing screen designs were not set up well to accommodate management of telecommunications services. 

Many AGL customers, particularly long-standing ones, were unaware that AGL offered telecommunications services at all. Although tempting from a business perspective to use My Account as a place for cross-sell of other services, a sensitively was needed so as not to clutter customers’ self-service experience with ‘adverts’ that might not be of interest.


  • Good cross-sell interaction rates

    We sensitively designed cross-sell drivers and used optimisation to ensure effectiveness whilst minimising annoyance. This resulted in good interaction rates.

  • Education and conversion

    Interaction with our cross-sell drivers made both a direct impact on internet and mobile sales, and also contributed to user awareness and consideration of these products.

  • Proposed roadmap 

for future uplifts

    As well as near-term solutions designed and delivered during the initiative, a roadmap of longer-term features was given to stakeholders, influencing future initiatives.

  • Good cross-sell interaction rates

    We sensitively designed cross-sell drivers and used optimisation to ensure effectiveness whilst minimising annoyance. This resulted in good interaction rates.

  • Education and conversion

    Interaction with our cross-sell drivers made both a direct impact on internet and mobile sales, and also contributed to user awareness and consideration of these products.

  • Proposed roadmap 

for future uplifts

    As well as near-term solutions designed and delivered during the initiative, a roadmap of longer-term features was given to stakeholders, influencing future initiatives.

  • Good cross-sell interaction rates

    We sensitively designed cross-sell drivers and used optimisation to ensure effectiveness whilst minimising annoyance. This resulted in good interaction rates.

  • Education and conversion

    Interaction with our cross-sell drivers made both a direct impact on internet and mobile sales, and also contributed to user awareness and consideration of these products.

  • Proposed roadmap 

for future uplifts

    As well as near-term solutions designed and delivered during the initiative, a roadmap of longer-term features was given to stakeholders, influencing future initiatives.

Journey mapping

Journey mapping was proactively recommended for the initiative by the Exo Consultant - it ensured that rather than simply creating a band-aid solution to fix the immediate business demand, a more holistic view of AGL plan and service management could be taken, unifying a number of discrete initiatives and ensuring a consistent UX rationale across all.


Blue sky concepts

Ideation considered multiple ‘levels’ of solution to allow for creation of a vision to guide the future roadmap. The most intuitive solution for users would involve redesign of the My Account information architecture and the hierarchy of plans and services. Contextual nudges could then be introduced for adding new services.

Near and medium-term

A number of more modest solutions were designed which would be possible to deliver within required timescales. These ranged from medium sized features, to those that could be delivered in 1-2 sprints.

Creating a roadmap

Clearly communicating the long term vision, along with the medium and near-term concepts was vital to winning the backing of to stakeholders. The consultant created and walked through a proposed roadmap to win their support.

Near-term solutions

Adaptations to plan management flows

It was decided to implement two near-term solutions for MVP. The first part of our solution was to expand existing plan management flows within My Account to cater for adding any type of plan, including internet and mobile. Currently the flows only allowed users to manage electricity and gas.

Cross-sell driver panels

The second part of our solution was to introduce some cross-sell drivers on the Overview screen within My Account (the landing page where users view their plans and important service information). This had to be done sensitively so as not to add clutter which would detract from the wider My Account user experience.


Solution validation

Our solution to ensuring that our cross-sell drivers would not be an annoyance to users was to locate them in a relatively recessive location. We undertook optimisation testing to validate this decision prior to build and delivery.

Optimisation testing

A pre-production version of our cross-sell drivers was tested live within the platform to a select audience. Several locations were tested. Our initial design was shown to be very effective and was ultimately released to production.

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